Friday, March 30, 2012

A Future Field

Written Receipts for Paid Attention 

   Each morning is our springtide, and a future field stretches out before us, curving over the horizon, beyond all imagination. Full of possibilities, it is ours to tend. If we think this field fallow, it will be, and we need do nothing further. If we think it fertile, it will become a garden, and blossom beyond all we know.



  1. this made me smile with the absolute truth of it.

  2. Oh how I love love love love this! I love the drawing. I love the words. More than I can say. Wonderful.

  3. so much depends on one little thought. true words.

  4. I know so many people who believe that: a day will be good if you make it one, if you believe in its potential for goodness. For some reason, I have resisted that knowledge and wisdom myself lately and your poetic words are convincing me to give it another go.

  5. nice...i love the seeing of possibility in in all directions..and it depends a good deal on us what we do we our field..with our life..

  6. I love the drawing and words. Simply beautiful!


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