Saturday, May 28, 2022

Brief Passage

Brief Passage
Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones  ©2022
Original artwork SOLD at Gallery 322

The rumble of the railcars on East Street, the rattle of the wagons on Market, the banter and chatter inside the city keep a man from thinking beyond the busyness of the morning, so by dayend, I search for solace down the moss tinged cobblestone of Court Street, south toward the Carroll creek once more, to hear the calming rush and roll of water, to sit upon the cedar bench.

My old friend, the cedar bench; the two of us, grayed with age, waiting for the moon to rise.  We sit silent, as small  audience to the sunset songs of cricket, frog, and creek; I collect my thoughts, which are always of you.

Here, by the water, under the black walnut, with the scent of sassafras, I buy brief passage to another time, a long ago September, when you would simply seduce every sense I possess.

                                                   ~ Michael Douglas Jones

                                                                 Parcel №9

Frederick in Spires


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Changing Light

Changing Light
Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones  ©2022
Original artwork SOLD at Gallery 322

    In nature, the storm is swift, while growth is gradual. Let not the new day take you by storm; be gradual and gentle in your resolve.

    Be as the dawn’s changing light, behind the fog façade, moving west across the Chesapeake.
                                                                       ~ Michael Douglas Jones
                                                                                   Parcel №11