Saturday, October 12, 2024

Small Deeds

Small Deeds
 Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones ©2024
 Original artwork available at Gallery 322

 Journal Entry: July 1, 1862

 Tonight, we will sleep along the wet roadside near the Chickahominy River. This falling rain may wash away the blood of the thousands lost today on Malvern Hill, but if this destruction continues, every person will be gone, as every structure, every tree will be burned, and all that shall remain will be the detritus of this once sylvan paradise. There is little trace of the past and little hope for a future; there is only now, and all that I have to give now are the seeds from my pocket. I have a habit of keeping seeds from any fruit I had the pleasure to have eaten, because of stories told by my Ohioan relatives; the tales of Johnny Appleseed, who died around the time I was born. Now on the grim days, when I feel as though I have so little to give, I still carry a seed to remind me that it is not these great armies that change this world; it is the small deeds, the small seeds planted for someone you might never know. Perhaps, amid this destruction, if I can at least plant a seed, I have accomplished some small act of compassion. Perhaps one day, a tree grown from these small seeds might provide shade or sustenance to some other weary traveler.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Two Ways


The Two Ways
Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones  ©2024
Original artwork available at Gallery 322

I would save, she would share;
we were opposites attracting.
I would rage, she would whisper;
I was cold to her compassion.
I was sinner, she was saint;
together, we were all the world;
the way that it will always be;
for you would not know her warmth,
had you not felt my chill.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Snow Shower

Snow Shower
Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones  ©2024
Original artwork available at Gallery 322

 Snow shower, sugar powder,

 dry and drifting

 down the White’s Ferry road,

 where I walk,

 winter warm,

 recalling summer girls,

 with funnel cake faces,

 waiting for the Ferris Wheel.



Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Trompe-l'œil L’Assemblage by Michael Douglas Jones  ©2024
Original artwork SOLD at Gallery 322

The cage was in the eye of the gaoler;

the song was in the heart of the bird,

and the bars could not hold it,

no matter the size of the cage.