Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pristine Moleskine

one small stone in a riverbed of stones; day4

Pristine moleskines,
four to a drawer,
tucked inside
the chiffonier;
waiting for words
I thought unworthy
of pristine moleskines,
four to a drawer.



  1. there is no word unworthy...
    oh, how this made me smile.

  2. I keep hearing about these moleskines and maybe one day I will know the joy of having one of my own. Always a pleasure.

  3. my god, but you are good. my god!

    and yes. i have moleskines, but their home is the bottom of my tote bag, crushed by smaller purses and makeup bags, empty of important words. i write on blue walmart legal pads, 4 bucks each.


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